
Free on 1st - 5th Mar 15
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Hair Loss: Natural Cure to Hair Loss for Healthy Hair Care

This book offers a six-step process for you to address your hair loss problems and see results FAST.

Hair loss is a complex condition that is aggravated my many apparently unrelated problems. Many of the most common treatments are unaffordable for the long term. Hair loss is much more common than people realize, and it can occur for both men and women. It is much more pervasive with men – mostly due to genetics – than in women. What this book provides is a natural approach to improving the general health of your hair and body to resolve hair loss problems for both men and women.

By reading Hair Loss, you will learn:

Three common types of hair lossThree ways to assess your hair lossHow to identify the reasons why you are losing your hair, including seven sources of hair loss problemsHow to treat hair loss without using some of the most expensive treatments, including 15 essential oils, herbal extracts, and natural mixturesFive types of natural supplements that you need for healthy hair with examples of the sources for these nutrientsSix lifestyle changes you can make to help your body prevent hair loss.Hair loss can be caused by many issues, whether medical, genetic, or skin condition, hair loss could worsen and accelerate with unhealthy lifestyles.

Stress is the number one factor for losing hair. Even if you are generally healthy, stress could lead to a lot of hair fall. Why? Because when you are stressed the body puts all its energy and resources to the necessary organs used in fighting against the stress, deteriorating your hair and skin. This book provides strategies for overcoming hair loss regardless of its source.

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Free on 1st - 5th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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