
Free on 6th - 10th Jan 16
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There is no such thing as overnight success. There is no such thing as luck. There is no such thing as happiness.

People have a misconception of what it takes to succeed. They listen to what society tells them and get discouraged so quickly. It’s a never ending loop. While mot people are not aware of it, the most successful people in the world naturally understand the concepts elicited in “Happiness and Success: The Zen Transformation”.

Happiness is an emotion like sadness. While everyone wants to live a happier life, to live that emotion more often, they often make one of the biggest mistakes. “Happiness and Success: The Zen Transformation” really tackles down the biggest misconception ever created by our modern society and is a simple guide to living a life true to yourself, a life full of joy.

“There is something very powerful about this book. You see things in a new light that you would have never thought before.”

– Marcel Dicario, London

“I feel delighted. This book changed my life, period. ”

– Kevin Cilantro, Calgary

“Happiness and success is what everyone tries to explain but fails to do it. Jason really simplifies everything and finally makes us see the world as it is.”

– Dick Mosenburg, Ohio

“Such powerful words, one the greatest book I’ve read in my life. The earlier you read this book the better your life will be. Trust me.”

– Jack Malibor, Alberta

“Are we really aware of what truly is happiness? Are we really aware of what it takes to succeed? Everything you need to know is in this book. I’m completely amazed by how my life has changed.”

– Christian Polieck, Montreal

Free on 6th - 10th Jan 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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