Author: Genre: (, , ) Length: Novel

Free on 14th - 18th Mar 18
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From beginning to end, Happiness: The Practical Guidebook is thought-provoking. It will help you to rethink the meaning of life and the science of happiness in our modern society.

These are simple habits that are carefully written and powerfully explained. This is not your average book about happiness.

T.K. Marks writes an inspiring and insightful piece of work to help us reach a state of happiness through the practice of four simple habits, where they help us to overcome our current way of thinking, so we can step on a new path of enlightenment and truth.

Marks carefully and lovingly writes about the truth to reaching all abounding happiness through a practical approach.

He writes a simple step-to-step guide on the subject of happiness through the practice of four simple but effective habits to overcome and accept four mental conditions we’re dealing with every day, namely:

Letting go and accepting the past

Living in the present moment: Using overthinking to live in the present

Living with self-acceptance and self-compassion

Practicing three habits to live a simple and purposeful life

You’ll learn the importance and how to use simple habits that only take 5-20 minutes a day to help you change and improve every area of your life:

Morning and evening writing

The beauty of daily gratitude and its true meaning

The mind-altering practice of meditation with an added practice to make it more effective

How listening to motivational speakers and audiobooks will change your life

Marks set down these habits with a compelling way to use them.

“There has never been a time where discovering our happiness is so important. We live in an age where life has become a constant rush with struggle and hardship.”

He writes about happiness as an awakening to our inner-truth through the power of self-knowledge and moving into enlightenment with self-mastery.

Marks uses an artful style to write about the practice of changing negative thoughts into positive thinking through the idea of mind-building; in other words, practicing to consciously create your thoughts.

Happiness: The Practical Guidebook will be sure to make you think and inspire you to take everyday action. You’ll learn how to slowly overcome your troubling thoughts, how to accept the past through a simple exercise, and how to live a compassionate and healthy life in the present moment.

In this book you’ll learn that happiness is not what we think it is. Marks presents the idea of happiness as something you enter into with practice and self-awareness, that happiness is a fixed state of mind that’s developed through mindful practice.

Therefore, take this book, practice the habits, and take the first steps to changing your life!

Free on 14th - 18th Mar 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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