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Free on 5th - 9th Nov 14
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The History, Use, Applications and Recipes for the Adequate Utilization of Aromatherapy

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From the medically advanced ancient civilizations in Egypt to the esteemed ancient Persian cultures, the practice of aromatherapy as an alternative medicine technique has been around for centuries. Aromatherapy, widely believed to offer physical and psychological healing, is utilized by a wide array of reputable medical facilities and is endorsed by a plethora of institutions ranging from worldwide religions to world renowned hospital sectors. Because of this, the practice is quickly growing in the number of modern day applications as well as the number of practitioners. So, if you are interested in the widely proclaimed art of aromatherapy, than this book is for you.

In ‘Healing the Mind, Body and Spirit with Aromatherapy: We must rejuvenate ourselves, otherwise we harden’, readers are given a comprehensive guide to learn the history, use, applications and recipes for the adequate utilization of aromatherapy and how to do so effectively. In this guide you will learn some of the most popular and the most effective employments of the practice of aromatherapy as well as a few additional tips and tidbits such as the best places to purchase your tools and how to know if they are the right ones for you. In addition to this, you will learn the lingo and technical jargon of the trade to make you sound like a real pro. And lastly, don’t forget safety! We made sure to include an informed section on how to ensure your safety when practicing and allow you to be aware of the proper precautions to take.

But, how can you know if this book is of use to you and just the right fit? Well, if you are overworked, stressed and on the verge of anxiety attacks than this book will likely prove to be of considerable use to you. If you are hesitant to try traditional forms of therapy or simply find it ineffective, than this guide is designed to help put you on the path to relief. Or, if you are simply tired of trying expensive methods or getting equally expensive advice from experts that may make you feel like you are losing personal autonomy in your healing process, than this book is the one for you. And lastly, if you are just looking for some fun or a good way to perk you up in the morning or help you focus just a tad bit longer, than this guide is for you.

And, if you are still unsure of all the extraordinary uses of aromatherapy, here is just a tiny list of all the wonders aromatherapy can do: reduce severity and pain of bruises, enhance mood, increase arousal, reduce or relieve depression and anxiety, offer relief from menstrual cramp pain, reduce fatigue and boost memory, just to name a few.

So, if you are interested in the fine art and medical uses of aromatherapy then take a seat, read this guide, and dive into the wonderful world of aromatherapy.

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Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount.

Tags: aromatherapy recipes, aromatherapy essential oils, aromatherapy for health professionals, aromatherapy for the healthy child, aromatherapy for everyone, homemade aromatherapy recipes, aromatherapy recipes for stress, aromatherapy recipes for massage, aromatherapy recipes for relaxation, aromatherapy bath recipes, aromatherapy recipes candles

Free on 5th - 9th Nov 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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