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A Concise and No-Fluff Guide on the High Blood Pressure Diet, also known as the DASH diet

Get this Kindle Book for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Hypertension is a real health threat. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it is best to work closely with your health care provider to reduce it. Together, you should come up with a plan and timetable to reach your goal.

The good news is that you can somehow manage hypertension. You can also prevent hypertension from getting too serious especially if detected early. All it takes are a few lifestyle changes to help maintain your blood pressure at acceptable levels, or assist lower your blood pressure if you’re already hypertensive.

The high blood pressure diet aims to help you lower your blood pressure by reducing your sodium intake, increasing consumption of vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products, and complementing the diet with increased physical activities.

After reading this book, you should be well-equipped with the basics of a high blood pressure diet and be able to start planning your own meal plan with ease. You should be able to share your discovery with friends and family and benefits of a low sodium, high nutrients diet.

Table of Contents

IntroductionA Taste of DASHWhat to Eat with DASHHeart Healthy RecipesDASH Diet and FitnessConclusion

Download your copy today!

Tags: dash diet, high blood pressure diet, diet, weight loss, dieting

Free on 6th - 10th Nov 17
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