
Free on 4th - 6th Apr 14
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Barbara T. Cecchini (Bobbie to her friends) is a girl from Philly who overcomes a series of personal horrors, four failed marriages and one of the most painful illnesses in the medical lexicon.

In a harrowing introduction, written by bestselling author Roger Radford, we learn of appalling childhood abuse at the hands of her mother, and, later, her discovery of the battered body of her murdered father, a man she hardly knew.

Murder and mayhem continue to haunt Bobbie when she joins the United States Army, firstly in the carnage that is Vietnam, where she serves as a medical specialist, and later when a knife-wielding killer runs amok at her base in Ft Sheridan, Illinois.

But first and foremost, High Heels is the story of Bobbie’s adventures on the road as a lady trucker. It is written in her own words. After raising five kids, and at the age of forty-two, she decides to become a truck driver, finding true freedom through guiding eighteen-wheelers the length and breadth of America. She may have been doing a man’s job, but she was determined to hold on to her femininity. Thus the locker in the driver’s cabin always contained a pair of red stilettos, just in case there was an opportunity to go dancing.

Bobbie tells of the fascinating characters she meets with a feisty humor that even rape on the road and a life-changing illness fail to quash. In a kaleidoscope of escapades, we meet Craw Daddy the cagey Cajun, Dollar Bill, Mud Flap, Lot Lizards and even the Man Who Never Was.

Co-author Roger Radford is a former Associated Press correspondent in the Middle East and the author of three published thrillers, The Winds of Kedem (international bestseller), Schreiber’s Secret (movie rights optioned) and his latest book, Cry of the Needle.

High Heels and 18 Wheels is an unforgettable tale of triumph over adversity – from the seedy bars of Philly to the highways and byways of America.

Free on 4th - 6th Apr 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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