Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 2nd - 6th May 17
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Greig sat in the drizzle, legs crossed, ankle over knee, as he contemplated the layoff notice in his hand. He had not been expecting it.

Not today anyway. That was not the plan.

He tilted his head up and let the Edinburgh rain wash over his face, considering his options. He could show up at the institute anyway; probably Gregory hadn’t had time to inform them that the translator they were expecting was no longer working with the firm.

On the other hand, what were the chances they hadn’t sent someone else to cover the job?

It was a conundrum for sure.

Greig stood abruptly, resolving to go to the Institute anyway and wing it. Even if they sent someone else, he had – Greig squinted at his watch – at least fifteen minutes to get there ahead of them.

He set off at a brisk clip toward the VARIE Institute, racing against the clock. He arrived with six minutes to spare and got through reception with no problem.

Now all he had to do was find the right room.

“Hello, excuse me; I’m looking for the Japanese delegation. Where would I find them?” he asked, stopping a random person in the corridor. She smiled at him, looking up at his 6’3″ frame with appreciation, taking in his jet-black hair and deep green eyes and clearly appreciating the aesthetics. She leaned slightly toward him as she gave her answer and he smiled, nodded his head, and kept on moving. Any other time he might have given her the time of day but he was on a mission and time mattered.

He found the right door and peeked in to the conference room, currently filled with several Japanese people standing around in groups and conversing. In the front of the room were three people including an older matronly looking woman with short brown hair and stocky legs, dressed in such a stereotypical fashion. Next to her was a tall, thin, gangly man with a hooked nose who looked like he was unfamiliar with sunlight. The third person was slightly shorter than the tall man, with a full head of fiery golden hair. Her emerald green eyes looked amused at something the gangly man was saying and she was twisting back and forth as if filled with nervous energy. She turned to look at him as he walked toward them and her eyes widened.

Greig arranged his face into the most charming and pleasant look he could manage.

“Hello. I do hope I’m not late,” he said.

“Oh? And you are?” the matronly woman asked, visibly perking up.

“I’m your translator. I believe you were expecting me?” he said turning the full force of his smile on her.

“Oh” she said, fat hands reaching for the pearls around her neck, “I see.”

“You’re the translator?” gold hair asked lifting one perfectly coiffed titian eyebrow and watching him skeptically. His smile became more real as he looked at her. She really was a stunning woman

Free on 2nd - 6th May 17
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