
Free on 21st - 23rd Mar 15
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“Feasting on the promises” is the continuation of an odyssey, newly begun, bringing a girl to womanhood, and a nation from ignorance to illumination. Along the way she will experience the spectrum of love’s many splendid things, from rapture and wanton, to purity and pleasantness, in the span of a year-long voyage. Liath (pronounced Lee- adh) is the gray-eyed daughter of a trader from Dublin, and she comes of age in an age not ready for such beauty.

Her story continues herein at the beginning of the Great Famine in 1315. Liath knows two languages, Gaelic and Latin, but she is on her way to Rome on a boon for her father, crossing the world to find answers to her prayers, and a foretold love that now haunts her dreams. Along this course she falls under the sway of men that would use her journey for their own purposes, capture her heart and dissuade her from the quest, or take her as their trophy. Continue with her, and know her mind concerning those who stand in her way…

• Dyllon Furrywygge, the wistful wandering knight, hoping for the honor his family denied him, whose capture of a beautiful and treacherous Irish spy can change his fate.

• Baron John Strange, the Welsh Nobleman and accuser against her honor, master of Shrewsbury castle, who only wants his knights to be masters of their own destiny, and to serve an English King?

• Her manservant, Gresham? Charming, speedy and loyal, yet poorer than a pauper?

There would be many hearts left broken along the way, but which love would win hers? She is making her way to meet the Voice of God. How will he answer her pleas for mercy?

Don’t wait another moment. Download this book, and help Lia. You may be the only one who can.

Free on 21st - 23rd Mar 15
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