
Free on 11th - 13th Jul 24
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Meet the Wizards that forged the path to modern wizardry and witchcraft. Learn about the legacy of these innovative Warlocks and how their magick impacted our world.

There is a tendency to view witchcraft as an inherently feminine subject. But it this entirely fair? For centuries, men have plumbed the depths of the occult and the fantastic, searching for new ways in which to employ ancient knowledge. These mystics, occultists, and wizards has sought to expand their knowledge about the universe in ways which were forbidden, untrusted, or simply unknown. These magickal men have a unique way of looking at the world and one which should certainly be celebrated.

In this book, we will examine some of the most dangerous and fascinating magicians, alchemists, and other magickal users who have operated within the last millennium. You will discover the works of:
oEliphas Levi,
oNicholas Flamel ,
oCornelius Agrippa,
oAleister Crowley,
oGerald Gardner,
oEdward Talbot aka Edward Kelley,
oJohn Dee,
oGérard Encausse, the great Papus,
oHayyim Samuel Jacob Falk, and

You will also discover some of the magic secrets they left behind. Not only will we provide an overview of their life and works, but we will focus on providing readers with a chance to try out magick for themselves.

In every chapter, we will include a biography of the person, a reason why they should be considered among the foremost spiritualists of their day, and an example of the kind of spell work they might be associated with. If you have any interest in the occult – and especially if you wish to try this out for yourself – then this is the book for you. Read on to discover exactly how much the history of magick has been feared and cultivated over the years, as well as examples of how you yourself can start along a path to becoming just like these men.

Download and read on your Kindle, Iphone, Ipad, tablet, android cellular phone, laptop, and computer with Amazon’s Kindle app.

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wizards, warlocks, alchemy, magicians, magic. witchraft, spells, male witch. Wicca. Wiccans. famous magician. magick. spells. witchcraft history. wizards stories. wizardry. wizard history. wizard memoirs. Aleister Crowley. Gerald Gardner. Cornelius Agrippa. Edward Talbot. Edward Kelley. John Dee. Gérard Encausse . the great Papus. Nicolas Flamel. Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk. Paracelsus

Free on 11th - 13th Jul 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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