Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 27th Apr 18
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All you need to know to create a lifestyle you have always wanted and discover a new, stronger version of yourself

You are a warrior and you know how to achieve your goals. You are full of passion and your motivation is unlimited. You never give up. You never take “no” for an answer. You believe in yourself and you love yourself. Your life and actions inspire other people. This is how you get unstoppable energy to carry on. You never get discouraged. You see obstacles as hidden opportunities.

You use negative feedback to improve yourself and you know how to embrace it. You can always differentiate between an honest feedback provider and a hater. Nobody can stop you from being successful; it’s in your blood. You use failures as an opportunity to develop your emotional muscles and you just keep going. You always win and you know it.

You get holistically fit. You work on your body, mind and spirit and you improve all areas of your life. You can create something out of nothing. You live the life you love and you love the life you live. You have focus and nothing can stop you.

Is it real? Or am I talking about some kind of paradise?

The answer is simple: Your mind is stronger than you believe. As long as it gets real in your mind, it gets real in your life!

The secret- you are in charge. And you can turn your life around if you decide to take meaningful and purposeful action.

The painful part? Nobody is going to do it for you.

Good news? Sacrifice, pain and even rejection will create a stronger and more powerful version of yourself. Embrace it. Go to the “emotional gym”.

Ready to take your life to a whole new level?

“Holistic Fitness” is a practical, inspirational book full of real life examples of people who “have made it”. It will help you get rid of limiting beliefs that are stopping you from achieving your goals.

You are just about to unleash unlimited motivation that will help you keep going, even when pain and rejection show up.

I invite you to join me on a motivational, self-growth journey that will empower you to live the life you have always wanted.

You will finally learn (and feel) how to:

• Get more stuff done no matter what

• Light your internal fire and driving force to make everything “doable”

• Develop empathy

• Become more motivated

• Develop real self-confidence (not the artificial one based on how you act and how high you keep your head in front of others and how you change your voice to feel more confident, but the real, internal one that will make you believe in yourself no matter what).

• Enjoy being yourself, your real self

• Start enjoying criticism, and yes, the pain that you get when others criticize you- yes, this is what I mean, you can enjoy it and draw pleasure from it. Pain can become pleasure

• Learn the SECRETS of self-coaching and achieve your goals faster!


” I really love that Marta applies the analogy of “fitness” into every area of your life: not only just physically, but also emotionally, spiritually as well.

This book is so real and I can sense Marta’s authenticity from the beginning to the end. Love the fact that she uses a lot of personal stories to demonstrate her ideas to readers, all of which are very relatable to me. For example, her procrastination about constantly giving herself excuses to not try yoga has led her to understand the importance of determination. Her later decision to just let it go and let thoughts flow has led her to real joy, peace and fulfillment. These are just a few of many moments she mentions in the book that I can totally relate to and have greatly motivated me to stop giving myself any more excuses but to continue on what I have always wanted to do.” – by Samantha (USA)

Free on 27th Apr 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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