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Wish you could find great books for teens that don’t cost a fortune?

Looking for good tween books that you can’t put down? Then try…


A gripping tale of one girl’s fight to get out of foster care and reunite her family.

It’s Allie’s 14th birthday, and she’s in her 17th foster home. “Suck it up,” her mom says. “Play the game and they’ll let you come home.” And Allie’s great at the game–at lying about her mom’s drinking, at hiding the weird things her little brother does that worry social workers, at pretending the counseling is actually helping. Allie is so great at the game that she never has to stay in a foster home more than three months.

Now Allie has a problem: Her newest foster family has caught on to her game. They see right through her lies, and they’re trying to stop her from going back home. Ever. Yet the last place Allie wants to live is on a smelly old farm in the middle of nowhere.

But how do you fight it when everyone around you is saying that where you were born isn’t where you belong?

HOME is a touching tale about a girl struggling to reunite her family, protect her young siblings, and gain control of her life–all in the face of family problems that no one believes she can fix.

A Personal Note From The Author:

The reality is that even kids who have terrible home lives would rather live with their own families than be taken away and put in foster care. You’d think kids would be happier living in a stable environment where they’re well fed, protected from harm and treated with respect. It’s not true. Most kids want to go home, and they’ll lie about the neglect and abuse, and hide anything that might make social workers suspicious, in order to get back to their families. I fostered–and then adopted–four children, and I faced this struggle with every one of them. It’s heartbreaking to watch kids try to convince everyone–including themselves–that their birth families can somehow be normal.

If you’re on the look-out for good books for girls or young teens, or tween books on kindle, then this one’s for you.

Want to read more? Just scroll up and click the Look Inside feature on the top left hand side of the page.

Free on 22nd - 24th Sep 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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