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Free on 26th - 30th Jul 17
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Who is this Book For? Having involved myself with House Hacking I realized that this strategy represents a phenomenal solution for many folks. And what’s most exciting is that House Hacking solves a problem for not just one group of people, but several. In fact there are at least 3 groups for whom this book will pave the way toward success!

First of all, I have to tell you (and this is based on 10 years of real estate investing experience) that a properly executed house hack is absolutely the most brilliant investment opportunities. This has to be the easiest CASH FLOW I’ve ever created (and it’s substantial). If you’ve been studying real estate investing but haven’t been able to find a way into the game – this is it!

Now, let’s say that you happen to live in a very expensive market, and have been priced out of owning a home – this book will teach you how to become a homeowner. Yes, you’ll need to learn some things. Yes, you’ll need to do a bit of work, because not just any house will work. But, you can own a home for less than you thought because a properly structure House Hack will underwrite your cost!

Or… Let’s say you are quite comfortable where you are. But you happen to have elderly parents who are struggling and it is necessary for you to relocate closer to them. The only problem is that homes are very expensive where they live, and you are not sure how to swing the cost of living. House Hacking – DONE!

Or, you are like me, and decide one day that you are tired of living in Ohio and want to relocate someplace where the skies are always blue and palm trees are always pretty. You (like I) want to 10X your life. However, in a market like this property can be expected to be more expensive and you are concerned about cost of living. How to cope? House Hacking solves the problem in my life and will do the same for you! Indeed, a proper house hack allows me to achieve locational freedom!

A House Hack is a powerful formula capable of creating solutions for a wide variety is life circumstances. And in this book I will teach you how to do it right!

And, remember — I am doing this as we speak. So, all of the numbers are real-time, and all of the methods discussed are viable in today’s market. 
What Will You Learn in this Book? You will learn how to pick the right location and the right property for your house hack. You will learn the step-by-step process of doing the math, financing, marketing, and running your house hack for most profit. 
Everything you need to know to do what I do is here!
What is a house hack and how can I make money with it?Can house hacking pay for my primary-home mortgage?Should I buy an investment property or should I house sack?A House Hacking Case Study–How I am living in an upscale home for (almost) freeHow do I choose the best location, neighborhood, and house to house hack?How much money can I make house hacking and does it pay my primary mortgage?How do I rehab and market my house hack for the most profit?How much time does it take to run a vacation rental house hack?Is AirBnB, or HomeAway, or VRBO better for vacation-rental house hacking?How do I handle safety and privacy when house hacking?Will my mortgage allow me to rent out part of my property?What taxes do I have to pay with house hacking?What are the regulations on house hacking?How do I set prices on AirBnB and other sites?And much more…Why now is the time to read this book… Everyone talks about real estate as if the choice of what we do, when, and how is entirely up to us. But that’s not true. In today’s challenging (hot) market, traditional investing advice doesn’t work. House hacking has the best financing opportunities, the easiest management overhead, and the most immediate return on investment.

Free on 26th - 30th Jul 17
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