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Free on 25th - 27th Aug 14
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Know the secrets of what it means to be an attractive guy and how you can become more attractive to get better women.

This is the 4th book in The Dating Series.

The Dating Series is a comprehensive collection of eBooks that addresses multiple aspects of dating advice for men. This includes meeting women, striking conversations and initiating interactions, creating attraction, building a connection, asking them out, texting skills, dates, physical escalation, conversation skills, and developing relationships with them.

The Dating Series also discusses the mindsets that you need to have as a man in order to become attractive to women, the behaviors you should adopt, confidence and self-esteem, and the overall vibe that you need to have whenever you’re around women.

Apart from the rich practical advice in the books, the underlying theme of The Dating Series is that when you yourself become a more attractive man, you will effortlessly attract more women into your life.

This book deals specifically with the behaviors that you must adopt in order to come across as an attractive guy. These include what type of eye contact you want to hold, how to project and inflect your voice, what is good body language and what is bad, as well other aspects such as your smile, what smile you must avoid, and how to speak with conviction.

By reading this eBook, you will know what is attractive behavior and what is unattractive to women. This book builds on the previous one (Book 3), which deals with mindsets and beliefs.

When you have strong beliefs about yourself, you will behave in an attractive way almost automatically.

But just by being aware of what constitutes attractive and unattractive behavior to women, you can catch yourself doing the bad stuff, and consciously engineer to do the good stuff, until it becomes part of you.

Awareness in itself will do a lot for you, but you need to first know what to look for. This book will help you a lot by pointing out what you need to know.

Following the simple advice given in this eBook will transform you. You will come across to women as a high value and confident guy and you’ll trigger a lot of attraction with them.

You can consider this book like a manifesto of what constitutes attractive behavior, and you should get it if you really want a solid foundation that you can take with you into all your dates and interactions with women.

What are you waiting for?

Click the orange button above to download.

Tags: How to be an attractive man, How to be attractive to women, How to be attractive to girls, How to become an alpha male, How to be an alpha male, How to make girls want you, How to make a girl like you, How to attract women, How to attract a girl, How to be a man.

Free on 25th - 27th Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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