
Free on 4th - 6th Oct 17
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3D printing is an exponential technology and poised to radically shape our man-made environment. The same change that resulted from the introduction of the personal computer just 20 years ago will be realized again with 3D printing. Will you be ready?

How to Become a 3D Printing Entrepreneur takes you on a journey from a 3D printer novice to becoming an expert in the field. By the end of the book, you will know the major companies operating in the space, today’s use cases, the new fields and business opportunities being created, and the major players in the field. You’ll understand where the money is flowing and what skills are needed for this new industry. Most importantly, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge of the business practices specific to the industry and learn how to create a successful business using 3D printing technology.

The book is broken down into 5 sections. In the introduction, I quickly review the history and a quick explanation of the technology as well as listing several ways 3D printing is being used today. The second chapter is for 3D designers and those interested in learning how to become one. I’ve cover the different software choices, the expected salaries, places to sell your designs, and the opportunities for freelancing. The third chapter focuses on individuals who have or who are looking to purchase a 3D printer. The section will cover the different models, how to lease out your printer for extra money, and the different objects you’ll be able to print. In the fourth section, I feature many of the other fields where you can earn money in 3D printing including: materials, spare parts, scanning, software, teaching, and much more. After the conclusion, there is a list of over 50 resources plus words of wisdom from other 3D printing entrepreneurs. They are world renown artists, CEOs of startups and of well established companies, successful freelancers, and many others inspiring entrepreneurs.

Buy the book today and instantly access the best guide for leveraging this amazing technology for your financial success.

Free on 4th - 6th Oct 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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