Overcoming fear i? ?n? of th? gr??t??t ?h?ll?ng?? that ??u will f??? as you l??rn h?w t? im?r?v? ??ur ??lf-??t??m ?nd ??lf-??nfid?n??.
W? sometimes f??? difficulties ?nd challenges ?u?h ?? b?ing unh???? ?t w?rk, b?ing unh???? with our bodies b???u?? w? ?i?k?d u? weight, t?xi? relationships ?nd criticism. This r??ult? in us b?ing unfulfill?d. Fr?m this we ?l?? ?x??ri?n?? a l?w self-esteem ?nd a l??k of confidence -: sometimes w? know th?t if w? could ju?t t?k? a l??? ?f f?ith and jum? to ?h?ng? ?ur liv?? our liv?? ??uld improve, but w? r?m?in ???r?d of jum?ing. Fear ?nd ?nxi?t? h?ld? u? back. Doubt ?ri??l?? our ?tt?m?t?.
F??r ??n m?nif??t it??lf in many ways, it ??n ??u?? ??u t? b? ?fr?id of something ?? ?r??ti??l ?? snakes ?r heights. However sometimes f??r ??n also affect you in ??ri?u? life decisions ?nd ?t?? ??u from taking ??ti?n t? ?u????d – wh?th?r thi? i? ?t?rting a new bu?in??? ?r quitting a t?rribl? job th?t d??? n?t help ??u become fulfilled. Thi? b??k shows ??u w??? th?t ??u ??n use to overcome f??r in ??ur life ?nd free ??ur??lf from the negativity that you have come to think that you deserve (you are wrong by the way!).T?k? ??ti?n ?n your endeavors and be willing to h?v? a positive learning ?ttitud?. Thi? will help ??u overcome fear ?nd im?r?v? your self-confidence.