
Free on 25th - 29th Nov 15
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This book was written for everyone who is about to retire or has just retired and is concerned that their savings, pensions, Social Security, Canadian Pension Plan payments, investment income, and home equity will not be enough to maintain their lifestyle. It is also written for those retired people who want to keep active and / or pursue their dream business.

If you need supplemental retirement income –


This book will show you how to start your own Retirement Business to increase you retirement income.

• even if you have no business experience

• even if you have always worked for someone else

• even if you spent most of you life working at home

This book includes a

►10 Day Action Plan to help launch your retirement business

►300 Retirement Businesses that you can start

►180 Products to Sell

►77 Services to Offer

If you need extra retirement income for your retirement then this book is for you.

It is not written for people who want to get rich quick, or for those looking for a job, or those who want to start another Microsoft or Facebook.

This book will guide you through the steps that you need to take to start your own retirement business even if you never had your own business before.

This book will show you step-by-step how to start a retirement business and get more retirement income.


A retirement business is NOT a job that requires you to be at a certain place for a certain number of hours and work how the boss dictates.


►You do not have to work in a fixed location. Therefore don’t open a store front, restaurant, or a bed & breakfast.

►You are not required to maintain certain hours of work. You do not have to work a 40 hour week from 9 to 5. You work when you want for as long as or little as you want. It depends on you.

►You will not have employees. You will not have to deal with a payroll and employee management issues. You do the work yourself or outsource to subcontractors.

►You need little or no capital investment. You should be protecting the funds you have and not putting them at risk.

►You do not need specialized skills, licenses or certifications. Put your current experience to work for you!

►You cannot be fired as you will not be dependent on one boss. Do what you want for a change.

In other words, you can earn money from your own retirement business and still remain retired.

If you liked this book please tell your friends.

Chapter One – How retirement dreams turned into a nightmare.

Chapter Two – Why you should sell everything and then NOT get a job.

Chapter Three – Can you inherit, marry, win the lottery, or live with someone?

Chapter Four – No business experience, no money, no skills – no problem.

Chapter Five – Why you don’t have to buy a business or become a slave.

Chapter Six – Products, services, and information you can sell why someone else does the work without hiring employees.

Chapter Seven – Secrets of selling on eBay Etsy, your own Website, Craigslist, Angie’s List, and at Flea Markets and Craft Shows.

Chapter Eight – How to beat the competition and find new customers by being unique.

Chapter Nine – Books and courses to learn more.

Chapter Ten – 10 day plan to launch your business.

Chapter Eleven – Don’t get a job. Start a retirement business to supplement your income instead.

Written by José Leonardo founder of AEIOU org who retired to Mexico and started 3 new retirement businesses in the sunshine.


Free on 25th - 29th Nov 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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