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Free on 1st Jan 70
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The Starving Freelance Artist

Let’s face it, despite all the positive aspects and the unlimited freedom, being a freelance artist who works mostly from home does have its flaws. The common struggle of finding a good, steady flow of paying projects from prospective clients is one of them. In most cases unfortunately, only a few of them succeed.

Why are there still starving freelance artists? Many of them are super-talented, dedicated, passionate about art and they create awesome artworks. So what is missing? Well, to put it bluntly, they are ‘invisible’ to the world because they are so deep in the bottom of the massive crowd. Most of the time people don’t notice the artists and their brilliant art, and just walk by.

Getting Noticed

Nowadays there are literally thousands, if not MILLIONS of artists from around the world struggling to get their works noticed, to get hired to work on projects so they can start earning decent income.

It’s true that we are living in the internet age, and getting your work out there has never been easier. That being said, the online freelance competition is fierce and sometimes even unforgiving. You’ll be competing in the international scale. This is why in order to succeed, you need to up your game and act NOW. It’s not going to get easier, not ever. Know that it’s going to take a lot more than just great talent and a BFA diploma in your hand to take on the world (wide web) and earn a steady stream of income.

Let’s Go Above The Crowd

So please read on. In this eBook we’ll be discussing several ways to get you started. With these tips, hopefully you will be able to start moving steadily to the surface, be ahead of the competition, show your work to the right audience, get discovered by prospective clients and eventually start making real money in the business.

Free on 1st Jan 70
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