
Free on 13th - 17th Apr 17
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How to have anything you want!

Consider this book the beginning of an amazing journey to making your dreams come true. If you can dream it, I will show you how to get it.

This book contains simple steps and strategies on how to figure out where you are now and where you would rather be.
In this book I will walk you through steps and strategies to first figure out how you feel about where are now. Secondly, we will work through your priorities to determine where you should be focusing your energy. Thirdly I will show you to how create the motivation you will need to go after and get anything you want and lastly, I explain your comfort zone, what your standards are and how to raise them to create a better life for yourself.

Here is a preview of what you will learn:

Why writing out your story is importantHow to decide what your priorities areDetermine your current level of satisfactionWhat your gap isHow to stay motivated on your journeyHow to raise your standardsWhat’s next

Free on 13th - 17th Apr 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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