1st let me say that this book is written to be short, sweet, lean and mean, so please forgive its conciseness. I promise this is not another get rich scheme, infomercial type book or even how to be a real estate millionaire in 30 days or less. But this is a practical way to start with a small amount of money and watch it grow into powerful wealth over time. I wanted to write in 10,000 words or less a simple, easy to follow plan to financial freedom. I’ve read all the books on get rich schemes and have tried more of them than I care to admit. But this is what I have developed and is a simple strategy to plant some seed money, feed it and watch your money tree grow!
Girl Fights Back (Go No Sen) (Emily Kane Adventures)
True Experiences with a Sorceress of the 'Four Portals'
Contact, Three True Encounters
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