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Free on 2nd - 6th Oct 18
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If you are hesitant about discussing salary, or reluctant to ask for higher pay, then this book is for you!

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The economic crash of 2008 created the single most fearful atmosphere in professional environments within the last half century or so. Job security became a meaningless term, and personal worth became a joke in recruiting circles. While you may or may not have been part of this wave of desperate employees hanging on by a string, the fact is that companies continue to sign on skilled personnel for far less than they are actually willing to pay. Moreover, there are legions of employees who stick with a company through thick and thin, valuing their own loyalty to the firm far above any acclaim or compensation which competitors could offer — only to never see that same loyalty rewarded, nor their contributions fully acknowledged. What started off as a passionate drive to do one’s best (assuming the money would follow) often ends with someone’s hard work getting exploited while they’re receiving a salary far below what it could have been, had they only been comfortable enough discussing salary and insisting on higher pay. Negotiating salary remains one of the most awkward processes in the entire work force system — often resulting in people meekly accepting what they’re offered, rather than what they’re owed. And that’s the reason for this book. While giving your all to your job is indeed admirable, use the words of wisdom in this book to finally help you get the salary you’re truly owed for that dedication.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Is Salary Just a Made-up Number?Understanding the Value of OptionsPreparing Yourself Before the NegotiationIdentifying the Magic NumberSetting the Stage Ahead of TimePowering Up Your Confidence Minutes BeforeBeing Assertive During NegotiationsFormalizing the OfferMuch, much more!Download your copy today!

Free on 2nd - 6th Oct 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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