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Free on 11th - 15th Sep 15
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No matter how talented you are as a musician, there is a malady that can sour, or even totally ruin your best efforts when performing in public: stage fright!

Even some world-class instrumentalists, such as the famous pianist Leopold Godowsky, have suffered greatly due to their fear of playing for an audience, to the point where they found themselves dreading their next recital, and were unable to display their remarkable talents to the fullest in front of an audience.

Yet it doesn’t have to be that way. The truth is, you need not go on being a victim of performance anxiety. Using a couple of simple “mental exercises”, you will be able to completely rid yourself of stage fright within no more than a few weeks.

Sound incredible? Well, amazing though this claim may sound, the author knows quite well it is true, for he himself used to suffer terribly from stage fright, and yet conquered his performance fears completely in little more than two weeks’ time, by using the very same exercises he gives you in this book.

In addition to acquiring the knowledge you will need to overcome your fear of playing your instrument, or singing, in public, you will gain a tremendous insight into the power of the mind, and will see how autosuggestion “works” − that is, you will learn the psychological reasons for its effectiveness. Perhaps even more essential, you will also be taught how to formulate affirmations that can then be used to help you realize your full potential in just about any area of life.

If you are a musician who is plagued by performance anxiety, this book is essential reading, for it will enable you to overcome this weakness once and for all…

By spending only about ten minutes per day with the techniques presented here, within a few short weeks you will be able to walk out onto a stage and perform for an audience of any size with self-composure, confidence, and even joy!

Free on 11th - 15th Sep 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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