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A Proven, Step-By-Step System To Mastering Your Menu and Finding Your Restaurants Perfect Location

Dear Future Restaurant Owner,

If you’ve ever wanted to start your own restaurant — Menu Development and Site Selection are Two of the Greatest Challenges in starting a successful restaurant. Often times people either don’t properly cost out their menu or they select the wrong location for their restaurant.

As any restaurant owner can tell you, choosing the menu and location is definitely one of the trickiest parts to the restaurant business is 42 page volume contains all the crucial information you need to know about selecting a prime location for your restaurant so that it will attract a solid customer base and keep them coming back for more. There is also other crucial information pertaining to the menu itself and its design not only its aesthetics, but actual implications as well such as pricing out the cause of your menu based on particular dishes. You want to serve is something that a lot of entrepreneurs accidentally overlook, they develop these great menus, only to realize that the dishes.

They have chosen are not cost effective and they end up hurting the restaurants bottom-line profit margin. Simply because of the choice of dishes which may be too expensive and outside the palette range of their market demographic, therefore these particular dishes are essentially going to waste, and not making the restaurant and the money will. In this volume, you will also learn valuable information such as how to properly portion out your dishes to make sure that the customer has enough food to satisfy their hunger, but still keep them in your cost-effective.

Most problems related to a restaurant relate to one of these issues( Bad Location or Bad Menu), as part of our Restaurant Start-up Boot-camp Series, we decide to dedicate a quick and easy guide that solely focuses on thee two challenges in an effort to increase the likelihood of success for Restaurant Startups.

Today only, get this Amazon bestseller for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Check Out What Others Are Saying…

” After you’ve decided to open your restaurant, you should develop the menu that your customer can choose from.
The book does not only help you formulate the menu, but also help you to adjust portions. It also reinforces the decision making part of opening and setting up a restaurant. It’s easy to understand and the techniques discussed are applicable ” Nastassia Stark

“A Blueprint to Developing The Perfect Menu and Location for Your Restaurant (Restaurant Startup BootCamp)” is a useful guide for restaurateurs who need help in relation to the menus and siting of their restaurants. These two matters are particularly pivotal to any restaurant’s success and and Mr Cliette, in this book, amply demonstrates his cognizance of this fact.” Geena Green

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Menu Development:Food Cost BasicsHow to make a restaurant menuHow to Price Restaurant Menu ItemsPortion Control in the dishes servedSite Selection( How to find the best Location for your Restaurant)Feasibility of the site for the Your conceptZoning BasicsTraffic Count BasicsApprovalsDemographicsHow to identify Traffic GeneratorsAnd Much More!!

Download Your How to Start a Restaurant Guide Today

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Free on 2nd - 6th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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