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Free on 22nd - 24th Aug 14
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Discover exactly how you can initiate conversations with girls anytime, anywhere.

This is the 2nd book of The Dating Series.

The Dating Series is a comprehensive collection of eBooks that addresses multiple aspects of dating advice for men. This includes meeting women, striking conversations and initiating interactions, creating attraction, building a connection, asking them out, texting skills, dates, physical escalation, conversation skills, and developing relationships with them.

The Dating Series also discusses the mindsets that you need to have as a man in order to become attractive to women, the behaviors you should adopt, confidence and self-esteem, and the overall vibe that you need to have whenever you’re around women.

Building on the 1st book of the Series, which teaches you how and where to meet new women, this book expands on how to actually initiate conversations and get into an interaction with them.

When you see that really nice girl that you’re just dying to talk to, not knowing HOW to do it will often make you not do it at all. You will pass on the opportunity and most likely experience a lot of regret for not having gone for it.

This is one of the biggest challenges men face, which often prevents them from meeting women in the first place. This book solves that problem by giving you multiple strategies that you can use to initiate conversations in different social scenarios and contexts.

Not only will it give you ways to open, but also ways to transition from the open into a proper conversation, so that the interaction doesn’t die off right away after you open.

Knowing how to do this will give you tremendous power because you will feel confident that you have the skill set to meet women anytime and anywhere and start talking to them. When you also feel confident that you know how to transition into a conversation, you’ll be unstoppable.

This book is a perfect sequel to Book 1 because first you want to know how and where to meet women, and now you will know how to actually initiate conversations with them.

You will also learn the right mindsets you need to have when initiating conversations with girls. It’ll show you that the words you use don’t matter all that much, because girls are looking at other aspects beyond words that you may not have considered before.

This knowledge will give you a sense of relief when you realize that the words you use are not actually that important. You’ll learn what you should focus on instead, and what the best approach is to actually approach women.

If you want to have the ability to strike up conversations with women anytime and anywhere, then you really need to get this eBook.

It is a crucial skill set you need to have if you want to improve your dating life, empower yourself with an ability to meet more women, and feel like you finally have options in life.

So don’t delay. Click the orange button on the top right to download this book.

Tags: How to meet women, How to meet girls, Dating advice for men, The Dating Series, How to get a girlfriend, How to talk to girls, How to talk to women, How to start a conversation, How to have a conversation with anyone, How to start dating, How to talk to anyone, How to talk to girls at parties.

Free on 22nd - 24th Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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