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Free on 27th - 29th Aug 14
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Never be confused again if she like you, or you think she likes. You’ll just know.

This is the 6th book of The Dating Series.

The Dating Series is a comprehensive collection of eBooks that addresses multiple aspects of dating advice for men. This includes meeting women, striking conversations and initiating interactions, creating attraction, building a connection, asking them out, texting skills, dates, physical escalation, conversation skills, and developing relationships with them.

The Dating Series also discusses the mindsets that you need to have as a man in order to become attractive to women, the behaviors you should adopt, confidence and self-esteem, and the overall vibe that you need to have whenever you’re around women.

Apart from the rich practical advice in the books, the underlying theme of The Dating Series is that when you yourself become a more attractive man, you will effortlessly attract more women into your life.

This is one of the shorter books in the series because the concept and material is more simple and straightforward and doesn’t need much explanation.

It is pretty much a complete list of 75 different “Indicators of Interest”. These are signs that a woman will give off when she’s attracted to a guy. Most of them are unconscious for her, as she’s doing them automatically.

Some of them you may even know about. But a lot of them might not be so obvious to you, so it’s worth it for you to check out this book.

It’s very helpful to know exactly what are the signs that a girl gives off so that when they happen, you’ll be better equipped to spot them. You might not always get them from her, but when you do, it’ll make you feel more confident to move the interaction forward because you’ll have a small confirmation that she’s attracted to you.

Realize too that if she’s consciously giving them to you and you don’t know how to recognize them, that you might even come across as oblivious and socially out of touch. She’ll lose patience at you not getting the hints that are so obvious to her, and ultimately she’ll lose interest. So it’s within your best interest to know what they are.

Knowing them in the back of your mind gives you an added advantage in your dating skills. It’ll also make you more socially intuitive in general because you’ll be able to read women better. That’s why this book is a great supplement to all the other books in The Dating Series.

Get it today and start developing an awareness for those indicators of interest so that when they happen you won’t miss them or come across as oblivious to her.

Click the orange button above to download.

Tags: How to tell if a girl likes you, How to know if a girl likes you, How to know if someone likes you, Indicators of Interest, How to recognize the signs that she likes you, How to tell if she’s interested in you, How to tell if a woman likes you, How to recognize indicators of interest.

Free on 27th - 29th Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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