
Bargain on 3rd - 7th Mar 25
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180,000 Words ?

650 Pages ?

110 Chapters ?

2 Peace Plans ?

1 Purpose — to Create Peace ?

How We Will Create Peace in Ukraine and the World

A triumphant message for peace in our time, in all times.

180,000 words of education, guidance and advice culminating in two resolute and unique peace plans, certain to create debate, reduce tensions and save lives–certain to succeed.

If you believe you know all you need to about the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and between East and West, read this work comprised of 100+ informative chapters and you will know twice as much.

If knowledge is power, prepare for intense and profound empowerment as Masters shares his philosophy, his psychological, sociological and political insights and the results of his two years of intense non-partisan research, which culminated in this powerful vessel for peace.

Dr Masters is adamant that this book will prevent nuclear war, begin the process of denuclearisation worldwide and usher in a new era of mutual respect, self-sufficiency and agrarianism everywhere; increase independence and sovereignty everywhere, reduce dangerous ‘boom and bust’ globalisation to nothingness and allow our wearied species to heal, recuperate and grow wiser and more peaceful than ever before.

This book is not a band aid, it’s not a temporary fix; it’s the operation we all need.

Only those lost to hate or lacking empathy will not be stirred into action and change by Masters’ compelling arguments on such topics as the future of Africa, the expansion of the EU and NATO, the future direction of Ukraine, war crime trials, the fate of Crimea and the Donbas and the future course of mankind.

This comprehensive book includes deep analysis, a detailed overview of the historic foundations of the conflict and of the many contributing causes of the on-going East/West proxy war and culture war.

Pertinent aspects of the histories of Ukraine, Russia, Russian-Ukrainian relations, Europe, warfare and the Cold War are relayed to the reader for the purpose of best explaining how and why the two included peace plans came to be–their being based on the sum total of knowledge about a great many events and precedents.

Masters shares his singular opinions and ideas about every issue, his views not being those of a nation or tribe or ‘side’ but rather his own personal beliefs and opinions. Speaking for himself, rather than for the USA, the EU or Russia, provides desperately needed bipartisanism and independent thinking at a time when the ‘if you’re not with us you’re against us’ mentality is suffocating populations worldwide due to an increase in fear, anxiety, taxation, inflation and the omnipresent belief that WWIII is always mere days away.

Beyond the sharing of facts from our collective history, Masters employs the use of fictional scenarios, modern parables and psychologically infused philosophical musings (food for thought) in order to educate whilst increasing empathy, wisdom and mutual respect.

Knowledge = power, knowledge = peace, knowledge = hope. Masters shares his knowledge and unique insights within these pages. The result will surely be the empowerment of all who read these words and, as a result, the ending of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine and a lurch towards peace and good relations between the nations.

You may think you know Russia and Russians; you will only know them after you have read this book.

You may think you know everything there is to know about the current conflict; you will know twice as much about the conflict after you read this book.

You may think that the only solution to this conflict is to build more weapons and to forge more unions–you will think very differently after you read this book.

Bargain on 3rd - 7th Mar 25
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