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When the Earth is reduced to a smoking crater, the only thing left to do is turn back the clock.

Lily Snow, granddaughter of Death and one of the most powerful magical beings on Earth, knows that her daughter most likely won’t survive in this timeline, so she gives her life to create another.

No one remembers the war between humanity and magical beings, and humanity has become altogether blissfully unaware of magic.

Freya Snow, now a sarcastic, awkward, probably-autistic teenager, has spent her whole life moving from foster home to foster home, wanting nothing more than to start living her life, rather than being stuck in the stasis of high school.

But when the ghost of her mother’s mentor appears to protect her from the demons hunting her, she finds that she should have been careful with her wish for change.

The world is a dangerous place, and a pup without a pack is nothing but prey.

HUNT is a YA urban fantasy novel with a dash of sci-fi. It is the first book in the Freya Snow series.

Free on 20th - 22nd Jul 24
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"L.C. Mawson tackles the struggles of teenagers everywhere with this incredibly down to earth first part in a fantasy series."
(Rating: 9/10)
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