This book holds very important lessons for you to learn to bring about the desired change in your life. In my 41 years of experience in training and mind programming, I have found out that words are very important in your life. You may have not noticed this, but most of the words that you speak, predict near future. When you speak, you often do not choose your words consciously; if you start choosing your words carefully by being aware of its effect on you, it can help you in ways that you would have never imagined.
This book is going to teach you the power of every word that you speak and how that affects your thinking & behaviour.
I will be introducing you to the concept of High and Low energy words, make you aware of the impact those words can have on your life, and how can you switch the low energy words with the high energy words.
With the help of simple & powerful techniques that I have in store for you, you will learn to integrate the use of high energy words in your daily routine and eliminate low energy words for a more successful and positive future.
I suggest you to read this book when you would not be disturbed by anyone. Have a pen and notebook ready to take down the notes. Choose a comfortable & peaceful place to sit, which has preferably minimal or no distractions at all. I have given various practice assignments in this book for you to do. Try and follow them in the manner instructed.
Read the book, follow the lesson, do the assignment, and practice them till you master this art. After all, every wise person believes in the fact, ‘Practice makes a person perfect’.
I'm a Product Of My Environment: Navigating the Path to Equity and Justice
THE TINY HANDBOOK OF HAPPINESS: How Science can Help You Achieve More Joy and Fulfillment
Embracing Individuality: How Unique Strengths Shape Our Life's Journey
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