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Free on 12th - 16th Jul 15
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HYPOTHYROIDISM BOX SET #10: THE HYPERTHYROIDISM HANDBOOK (An Everyday Guide to Natural Solutions of Living with Hyperthyroidism including Weight Gain, Increased Energy and General Well-being) + THE HYPOTHYROIDISM HANDBOOK (Everyday Guide to Natural Solutions of Living With Hypothyroidism Including Increased Energy, Lasting Weight Loss, and General Well-Being)(BONUS INSIDE)



Do you know what Hyperthyroidism?

Do you need a guide on knowing everything about this condition?T

Want to know how hyperthyroidism is diagnosed, treated and what causes it?

Knowledge of the disease should not be limited to doctors alone. It is especially important for the patient and his family members to be knowledgeable about the disease so that they can help the patient avoid the things that should be avoided and pursue all the things that can lead to the betterment of the patient’s general health and well-being.

You can get everything need on this condition with one simple click! So start clicking!

Peak at what is covered…

Hyperthyroidism DefinedWhat are the Causes of Hyperthyroidism?Signs and Symptoms of HyperthyroidismHow Is Hyperthyroidism Diagnosed?How is Hyperthyroidism Treated?Thyroid Storm and Hypothyroidismand much more!


Do you have hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition characterized by a disorder in the endocrine system which causes the thyroid gland to be unable to produce sufficient thyroid hormones known as thyroxine (T4) and triodothyronine (T3).

The signs and symptoms are varied and in some children, When suspected, the method used for diagnosis is through a series of blood tests that measure the thyroxine levels in the blood and the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is insufficient supply of iodine in the diet.

There are other possible causes of hypothyroidism including injury to the hypothalamic area of the brain, history on radioactive iodine treatment, injury to the anterior pituitary gland, inborn thyroid malfunction, medications and history of thyroid surgery.

Hypothyroidism can also cause other disorders that directly or indirectly affect the thyroid gland. Since thyroid hormones affect mental development, cellular processes and growth, the insufficient production of thyroid hormones can bring a widespread abnormality in the body’s internal processes.

Want to know more? The various treatments to dealing with hypothyroidism? Well stay calm, there are numerous treatments available to you so download now and begin with the treatment that works for you!

Hypothyroidism Topics Covered…

Causes, Signs and Symptoms of HypothyroidismGoing Gluten FreeEat your way to being healthy as a HypoVitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients related to HypothyroidismThyroid Stimulating ExercisesMany Other Remedies much more!


Tags: Hyperthyroidism, Dry skin, Constipation, An increased insensitivity to coldness, Having a puffy face, Unexplained weight gain, Weak muscles, Hoarseness, Feeling over-fatigued, exhausted most of the time, Swelling of the joints, pain and stiffness, Irregular menstrual periods, Heavy menstrual periods, Tenderness, stiffness of the muscles, Impaired memory, An unusual thinning of the hair, Depression, Slow heart rate, Heightened blood cholesterol level, Hyperthyroidism Guide,

Free on 12th - 16th Jul 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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