
Free on 31st Aug 16 - 2nd Sep 16
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Longing to be a good homemaker but not knowing if it’s even possible? (It is.)

Feeling like a failure amidst chaos and mess? (You’re not.)

Looking for motivation and inspiration at home but have no idea where to start? (I have some ideas.)

This book is for you.

Dive in to a heart-wrenching conversation full of stories, evidences, questions and answers. You will not be disappointed!

If home is chaos. If home is mess. If home is doubt and overwhelm. If home is defeat and failure. If home is despair, discouragement, and disappointment.


Rebuild a new framework.

Rewrite the narrative.

Construct a different layout.

Re-set the space.

Ponder a different theory.

You have choices.

You have options.

You aren’t as stuck as you think you are, and you are not hopeless.

You are just beginning.

This book gives you permission to begin or begin again at home. Successful home-making, start to finish woven into real life home order and organizational strategies. It is a hopeful book for the woman who wants so badly to thrive at home. It’s a story of beginnings for beginners. Every word is brave, bringing possibilities to life straight from the mind of one busy mom.

Free on 31st Aug 16 - 2nd Sep 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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