Learn how to rid your body of excess stubborn fat, whilst increasing your self-confidence and recharging your energy levels. You will learn how to use food as a natural healer to take your body from ‘dis-ease’ and back into health and vitality. The book is based on the Ketogenic diet. All the science is broken down into easy to understand solutions.
Just imagine… No more looking in the mirror and grabbing those fists full of fat from your body – no more ugly cellulite.
Just by balancing your hormones and then ‘re-wiring’ your bodies systems to now use your stored fat as fuel instead of addictive sugar.
No more crash dieting, starvation, taking pills or vigorous exercise that is just too hard.
Instead, I will help you understand why what you have done before hasn’t worked.
I will show you which foods to eat and when -so that you will lose the fat and gain back your life
This book is only for those who are passionate and committed people who are sick of being fat and want to change NOW to get PERMANENT results once and for all.
After all life is just too precious isn’t it?
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