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Free on 30th Dec 16
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How do you get up from rock bottom when you feel like you have been there for so long?

Anyone struggling with low self-esteem and confidence issues knows the constant battle of pretending to be happy and trying to overcome the hardships you are facing inside your mind. It doesn’t matter what stage of life you are going through, what you gender is, or how successful you are. Poor self-image is an issue that is not easily overcome.

How do you change the poor habits you have created? Ones that you might not even be aware of and that have dominion over so much of your life?

And how do create a mindset of abundance that is going to allow you to grow as a person and be the best you can be?

All three of these questions require a process that can’t be completed overnight. It takes time to change, but changing for the better is worth it.

In this conversational, easy to read book, Chelsea Miller shows you how to help yourself build confidence and self-esteem by changing small parts of your daily routine and ways of thinking that will create a new and improved version of you.

By speaking from experience and sharing tips that worked for her on her journey, Chelsea shows you how to build self-esteem and confidence by making small adjustments and creating good habits that will continue to be beneficial long after this book is completed.

In this self-help book, you will get:

  • What you need to KNOW to build confidence and self-esteem in order to better understand the issues you are facing
  • What you need to DO to build self-esteem and confidence and are provided with a challenge at the end of each chapter to continue the process
  • This is all presented in a step-by-step manner that does not waste time and gets results fast

Please, don’t misunderstand the point. Depression is a real issue and sometimes it takes more than reading to overcome deep feelings of self-loathing. Think of this book at a toolkit designed to aid you in a time of trouble while on the journey of life.

Don’t let life pass you by never discovering how amazing you can be. You are too great to hide yourself from the rest of the world!

Free on 30th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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