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“… IN THE DARKNESS, THAT’S WHERE I’LL KNOW YOU is shaped with an exquisite precision that culminates in a climax that leaves the reader exhausted from the dizzying thrill of emotions… If you missed this book in its original serialized format, now you’ve been given another chance to read one of the best books in the sci-fi/horror genres–or any genre, as a matter of fact–that I’ve had the pleasure of reading in recent memory.” – Ain’t It Cool News.com

THE COMPLETE STORY! There are hangovers, there are bad hangovers, and then there’s waking up inside someone else’s head. Thirty-something bartender Charlie Wilkes is faced with this exact dilemma when he wakes to find finds himself trapped inside The Black Room; a space consisting of impenetrable darkness and a huge, ethereal screen floating in its centre. It is through this screen that he sees the world of his female host, Minnie.

How did he get there? What has happened to his life? And how can he exist inside the mind of a troubled, fragile, but beautiful woman with secrets of her own? Uncertain whether he’s even real or if he is just a figment of his host’s imagination, Charlie must enlist Minnie’s help if he is to find a way out of The Black Room, a place where even the light of the screen goes out every time Minnie closes her eyes…

IN THE DARKNESS, THAT’S WHERE I’LL KNOW YOU tells the complete story of THE BLACK ROOM PARTS ONE TO FOUR all in one book, and contains all of the adventures of Charlie and Minnie. All the answers are revealed in a story guaranteed to keep the reader on the edge of their seat.
“I couldn’t help myself and read this is one sitting” – simon211175, Amazon Vine Voice“Fantastically written characters who make you care about them right from the off.” – Andy Pettifer“It was one of those books where you tell yourself you will read just one more page, then look at the clock and realise that it’s 2 hours later. I would thoroughly recommend it” – Elaine Hosegood“I have owned a Kindle for about 2 years and downloaded some excellent books for very little cost but Luke Smitherd’s works beat the lot” – Silversmith, Amazon UK Review“As soon as I started reading I was completely sucked in, which very rarely happens for me. I couldn’t wait to get home and read it each night. I laughed. I cried. I did actual real life gasps of horror.” – Katie, Amazon Review“I spend a lot of time trawling through the kindle book store looking for cheap books, relying on reviews to make my purchases. I have come across some less than average books using this method, but also some real gems. This book definitely falls into the latter category. It had me gripped from page one.” – Steve Sut, Amazon UK Review“This story could, probably should, be made into a movie at some point. I honestly have to believe that Smitherd should contact a producer/director and make a fabulous movie deal. Totally enjoyed the read.” – Bonnie Gleckler Clark, Goodreads

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Free on 12th Dec 16
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