
Free on 5th - 9th Mar 15
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If you are considering having a child through in vitro fertilization, then this book is for you!

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Unfortunately, many couples are finding it impossible to conceive through traditional methods. The reasons as to why are endless: they could be infertile, same-sex, or have certain medical conditions that make traditional conception simply not feasible. Luckily, medical science has an answer for these couples wanting a child of their own: In Vitro Fertilization. In vitro, literally meaning “in the glass,” is done by combining the sperm and egg cell in a petri dish and then implanting it into the mother or surrogate mother. This way, couples who are unable to conceive will still have a biological connection to their child and will be able to nurture their baby from conception (as opposed to adoption). In vitro fertilization is fast becoming a popular medical procedure. However, before deciding whether this is for you, you must first understand the steps, costs, and possible risks that come with it. This guide is therefore designed to walk you through the details of this wonderfully advanced reproductive medical science which is helping to build families all over the globe.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

How In Vitro Fertilization WorksNecessary Preparations for the IVF ProcessThe Possible Risks of IVFEthical Considerations Surrounding the IVF ProcessDetermining if IVF is Right For YouMuch, much more!Download your copy today!

Free on 5th - 9th Mar 15
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