Do you think that it’s completely by chance that some people seem to have more influence over others than you do? Perhaps you noticed back at school how the rich kids seemed to have more friends than you had. Perhaps the cool kids at college gained more recognition than you did. You may even have gone into adulthood not really appreciating what it takes to make friends and make friendships that last but, to a certain degree, what comes into play here is psychological techniques. Some people are better at playing the psychological game than others.
This book looks into the games that are played by people and helps you to understand how to use them for yourself. There’s no need to worry anymore. You are about to learn something you never knew before that will change the way you view friendship forever. In fact, you are about to hit the popularity polls if you follow the advice given to the letter. The fact is that people respond in set ways to different approaches and once you learn how to put these into action, you will never need to ask how someone else always seems more positive than you.