Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 26th - 30th Jan 18
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Learn to influence and understand how to attract anyone achieve success

Have you ever come across anyone who can charm the birds from the trees effortlessly, it seems or someone who attracts people to him because they want to befriend him and who seek his approbation? Who can get out of trouble by using humor? Or get what he wants from other people without trying? Who you have to like despite yourself? Who always seems to have their toast falling butter-side up? He is a person that people listen to and want to help and, often, he won’t even have to ask for it, people just want to be nice to him.
Have you ever asked yourself why you ended up buying that life insurance? You had not even considered it before, but the salesman came along and made you believe that you had to have this product, now!
Or maybe you’ve wondered how you were persuaded to go out for that drink with your old buddy when you had promised yourself you were going to get an early night because you had an important meeting the next day. But your friend was so persuasive, you had nowhere to go with your arguments, and it suddenly seemed like a good idea to go after all.
How do these people manage it?
Can it be learned?
Can you get other people to do what you want them to do?
This book covers those topics and more so that you know the answers to getting people onside and working together to achieve goals. When you have this knowledge under your belt, life becomes easier, and new paths will open up without you having to battle constantly to get what you want.

Here is a preview of what you will learn..

Learn how to stand out, be the stand out in a meeting or the life of a party by knowing yourselfuse your skills to enhance yourself ,apply your tools to achieve your goals with the least effortknow when to be an aggressive persuader and when to stop

Free on 26th - 30th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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