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Free on 30th Mar 18
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In life, as well as in business, it’s often necessary to convince others to see things our way. This eBook is about effective methods you can use to influence people to do as you want them to do. Whether you’re looking for a way to deal with rebellious teens or make more sales for your business, these techniques will help.

In this eBook you’ll learn things like:

Amalysis: In order to be able to effectively influence others, it is important to first understand the personalities of those we hope to influence. We do this by analyzing them. There are various methods that can be used to analyze people. We can use observation to simply see how people act and behave in order to gain insight into their thoughts and feelings. We can also talk to people to get a true sense of their personality through communicating with them. We can examine attitudes, cultures, and body language. Being able to dissect someone’s body language is one of the best ways to get a good analysis of that person which can later be used to influence him or her.

Body Language: The topic of body language has many subcategories including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, touch, space, and posture. All of these are signs or signals that are observed in a person. The findings of these observations are then combined and used to create a detailed analysis of a person’s personality. We use these sorts of analyses to determine the best tactic for influencing someone. Some of the various influence tactics are consistency, authority, commitment, and social validation.

Communication: Some people can be more easily influenced through communication. Inspiring people through effective and positive communication can be equally as influential as trying to persuade them. Similarly, it is possible to influence people by using our own body language. The way we approach people and carry ourselves can be influential just in itself. Through our observations of people, we learn that differing personality types must be influenced differently. When we learn to be sensitive to these differences, it becomes easier to make an impact on peoples’ lives as we become more effective in our mission to influence others.

No matter what your reason for needing to learn how to influence others, this eBook is the one that will help you to achieve your goals.

Free on 30th Mar 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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