Ingress is the ninth installment of the personal journals in which, for 30 years, writer Meghan McDonnell has chronicled her life beginning at age eight through present day. With searing candor and tenderness, her musings on daily experiences and observations of family, social and romantic relationships, and the interior life coalesce in a commentary on facing passion and fear, embracing the light and dark, and American life in the 21st century. Wide in scope and vivid in detail, her journals are her confessional love letter to the world. Join her on a fearless, vulnerable, sometimes painful and quixotic, but always honest journey, also known as the human experience. Readers who love Joan Didion or Cheryl Strayed will enjoy this author.
Ingress: Volume Nine includes McDonnell’s move back to her hometown of Seattle, an elusive search for satisfying work, feeling adrift in her marriage, acting classes, and contending with fractious friendships.
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
When the Bugle Calls: A Soldier's Memoir
My Air Force Days: Memoirs of a Wing Commander
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