
Free on 2nd - 6th Aug 17
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Take a look inside the mind of billionaires, what does it take to be successful on a genuinely colossal scale?
What are they like? What sets those that build billion-dollar organizations apart from the average entrepreneur?
This book was particularly written to help you develop your mindset and think like a billionaire but, I want to ask the following questions before I share with you tips on how you can model your thoughts after the billionaires.
oDo you think big?
oWhat do you do in the face of challenges?
oAre you an optimist or pessimist?
oDo you have a billionaire mentor or role model?
The answers to the questions above hold the pattern your thoughts will flow towards, thus, the questions are not for fun. To model your thoughts after billionaires, you ought to place yourself in the shoes of the billionaires when confronted with problem or challenges.
Those that accomplish genuinely spectacular success, as far as I can tell, typically share a couple of common attributes about how they approach their work and their lives. Here are a couple of these key differences:

Have a Strong Desire to Develop your Mindset
“You have to act and act now.” – Larry Ellison
To develop your attitude positively, the initial step is to strongly crave it. You should see the need to increase your thinking capacity and build your mindset positively. You should likewise experience the procedure, which is certainly not going to be simple since it involves a change of perception and core qualities.
You will require experiencing the attitude development process just as entrepreneurs go experience the entrepreneurial procedure. You will successfully experience the procedure and another world will open to you, when you recognize the need to build up your attitude, and you crave it so strongly

Forget passion. You need obsession.
You’ve possibly heard that success takes passion., but I do not concur. Being successful in life is about being obsessed, it’s not about passion. If you can sleep soundly, that is not the kind of obsession I’m discussing. If you need to get up in front of an audience and inform them “I’m really passionate about X”, it’s too late. You shouldn’t be the one telling them, individuals need to tell YOU that you’re obsessed about something.

Details aren’t beneath you.
To get from an insane thought to a billion dollars, not only do you need to be obsessed, you also need to trust that no detail is too little to deserve your attention. More often than not, particularly in the early-stages of building a business, companies and organizations fail not because you missed the big picture, but because you missed little detail.

There are two paths to a billion.
It is ridiculously easy to become a billionaire, at least conceptually. You should be the sort of visionary who solves a $10 billion problem. It ought to be obvious, it is however worth repeating that you can’t turn into a billionaire by solving a $10 million problem. How would you discover a problem on this huge scale? There are two approaches to think big enough, so enormous that you know you’re on the right track if individuals call you insane.
The first is to solve a problem that affects a billion individuals. If you can solve a problem like that, you’ll be on your way to being an extremely rich person – a billionaire, regardless of the fact that it’s a problem with a modestly priced solution. The other option is to solve a problem that is so painful, so enormous, for a small group of individuals, that they are willing to pay a vast amount to fix it. For instance, a cure for specific sorts of cancer wouldn’t affect billions of individuals, but the individuals it does affect would pay any cost for it.
“The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.” – John D. Rockefeller

Free on 2nd - 6th Aug 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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