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Free on 16th - 18th Dec 13
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“Umesh has a talent for getting to the heart of the matter and with “Instant Confidence” he skilfully guides you through the process of finding the real you. The simple exercises Umesh has created are presented in an easy to follow actionable style that really works on creating the change you need. Awesome stuff Umesh!

Clive Merrick

“Enjoy a personal transformation. Find the secrets to more fulfilling relationships. Wow! Those are some big promises. And Umesh delivers. Throughout the pages of Instant Confidence are all the steps you’ll need to take a journey to the future you want, but haven’t been able to reach till now.

“Umesh implies some heavy change will come your way through a journey to greater self-confidence. And they will.

Have you got the confidence to do anything? You will have after you complete Umesh’s boot – camp of exercises. Instant Confidence is a dynamite confidence-builder. You’ll enjoy this journey. I did.

You’ll start off figuring out why you’re shy of confidence. Self-questions are key. The more you ask yourself why you do stuff, the closer you’ll get to understanding what needs to change in your behaviour and habits, to get the self-confidence you want.

He advises journaling, which has two main benefits when used to as an aid to change behaviour. You’ll see how far you’ve come, which is always a great motivator, because tasks and goals do have hard parts to them. And while on your journey, you can read over your entries to see how your thinking changes as you develop more confidence.

In part one, Umesh helps you to better understand yourself. In common with other great coaches, he offers a way to the ‘road less travelled’. He’ll challenge you to take ‘the high road to confidence’, by seizing responsibility for making life changes.

Reviews and exercises at frequent intervals will keep you on the road to confidence. One is to imagine having a confident twin, and the attributes they have. I also got good value from the exercises that involved using my senses to increase self-awareness.

Part two is a well-rounded primer in how to thrive in life. It begins with a reminder that confidence can be learned in the same way we’ve learned many other things; by imitating others. Maybe that was obvious, but those short on confidence tend not to see solutions. I found it a refreshing reminder that everything is possible!

Umesh makes the point that setting goals and showing up and doing something every day is the way to get it done. He’s so right, and the process he outlines is well worth following. After this, there are helpful guidelines and techniques for improving your communication and being more assertive. You’ll also get physical fitness tips and much more. This is a great book!”

Anthony Smits

So often, I have sat back feeling I should be doing more with my life, but afraid to try and fail…yet again. I really do not like all those books and videos from the self-made millionaire people. I guess I feel I cannot relate to them. That’s one of the reasons I really enjoyed Instant Confidence. You are very down to earth and relatable to a regular guy like myself. I found the layout easy to follow and the extra exercises to be engaging and actionable.

Sterling Sherrell

Product Description

Instantly Raise Your Self Confidence is a journey that any man can take to create amazing internal transformation. Authentic inner confidence can create rich and meaningful relationships in your social, personal and professional life. By helping to understand yourself first, and how your thoughts and feelings influence your behaviour, you’re in stronger position to create the change you’re looking for.

The book takes you through a structured set of exercises that help you to understa

Free on 16th - 18th Dec 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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