Has your child been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD? Dyslexia? Reading problems? Behavioral issues? Having trouble at home or in school? Is your child being medicated?
In this revolutionary book you will discover the physical root causes for all these conditions and more. You will also find a step-by-step at-home training program that will enable you to improve your child’s situation. This book examines learning and behavioral difficulties froma much different angle than traditional therapists and practitioners – it will teach you easy, fast ways to improve your child’s overall abilities without medication.
Moshe Elbaum is the founder and developer of the Elbaum Intelligence Integration Method. He has dedicated more than 22 years of his life to spreading his training program and bringing about results. Well-known and highly regarded throughout Israel, Moshe has helped thousands of children struggling with learning and behavioral difficulties to improve their abilities as well as their lives. Now for the first time ever – in this book – his method is available for at-home use. A leader in his field, a popular lecturer, teacher, and a published author, Moshe lives and works in New York City.
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