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Free on 21st - 25th Jan 18
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This book is a step by step guide to intermittent fasting for weight loss which will help you easily guarantee the body fat cuts you are looking for and end the struggle to finally lose weight, saving you time and money and along the way.

Are you one of the millions of people who are looking for a weight loss program that actually works? Have you tried diet after diet that doesn’t work for you? Do you want a weight loss method that will save you money instead of costing a fortune? Are you looking for an easy way to shed those extra pounds? How about a way to lose weight that has guaranteed results for millions of other people? Do you need a weight loss program that doesn’t require you to workout or change what you eat to be successful?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. You will learn exactly what it takes to do an intermittent fasting program and why it will help you lose the weight you want to lose quickly and easily. It covers everything a beginner needs to know about intermittent fasting and goes into the advanced topics like the research done to show why, and how, intermittent fasting works. This book will save you time and money on your weight loss journey because you won’t be buying expensive meals or subscribing to a costly program. It will help motivate you and help you make behavioral changes that will change your life and help you lose weight easily and lose weight quickly. You can finally lose the weight you want, look great, and feel great without changing what you eat or exercising.

Some of the topics in this book include:

An introduction intermittent fasting
The history of intermittent fasting
Major myths about intermittent fasting that are holding you back
Major benefits of intermittent fasting beyond just losing weight
Tools to help you track weight-loss progress while intermittent fasting
What you need to know before you start and intermittent fasting program
The six fasting programs for weight loss
How to stop intermittent fasting the right way
Pitfalls of intermittent fasting and how to avoid them
Gender differences with intermittent fasting
Frequently asked questions about intermittent fasting
How to get the most out of intermittent fasting
What to eat while intermittent fasting
Who should and who should not try intermittent fasting
Pros and cons to help you decide if intermittent fasting is right for you

Free on 21st - 25th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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