
Free on 22nd - 23rd Oct 14
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Are you considering starting a home-based Internet business, or do you already have one that you may have started without having had the full picture? Whether you’re just starting out with one of many home based business opportunities, such as blogging, an affiliate marketing business, or maybe even affiliate marketing with Amazon, or whether you are already conducting business but know that you need to better attend to your basic business structure, this book can help.

The Problem

Lots of people have ‘business in a box’ solutions, and some of them are really great. It doesn’t take long to create an eCommerce site or start selling affiliate products through your blog. The problem is most solutions are almost all based on the assumption that you already have an actual business entity with proper mechanisms. If you don’t, and you just download the latest toolkit and create a website, you could be venturing into dangerous waters without even knowing it.

With the changing nature of eCommerce, changing tax rules for Internet sales, and specialty insurance plans that even many insurance agents themselves don’t even know about, it can be exhausting trying to figure it all out.

The Solution

This is the book that I wish I’d had when I first started my own business! Designed specifically for home-based Internet businesses, it paints a high level picture of how to approach weaving the legal, tax, and insurance fabric of an Internet business. No book can possibly account for the endless variations of municipal regulations, though, which is why part of the process that I present includes consulting with such properly licensed professionals who are familiar with the laws and regulations in your particular municipality. This book will:

1. Map out important planning activities as you prepare to address legal, tax, and insurance issues;

2. Explain how you can approach these issues both individually and as part of an overall process;

3. Help you achieve a laser-focus on critical issues so that when you meet with your legal, tax, and insurance advisers, those meetings will be both quick and highly effective.

Who This Book Is For

While there are countless internet business ideas, most share some basic needs. If your interest is any of the following, this book is for you:

Affiliate Marketing






Content Creation

Other internet business startup

Dropship business

What This Book Includes:

Both a conceptual framework and a sample process that starts with having an idea for a business, and walks through various steps involved in creating an actual company

Educational information regarding critical legal, tax, and accounting issues that may pertain to your business.

3 different eCommerce website high-level architectural approaches

Ideas for how and where to get proper help, how to do so effectively, and even how to get some of it for free

Guidelines and checklists

Helpful information about cutting-edge issues with Internet and self-publishing businesses

How, when, where and why you may want to consider getting low-cost help

Bureaucratic Catch-22’s to be on the lookout for

What This Book Does Not Include:

Legal, tax, insurance, or any other type of professional advice

The type of company structure or insurance that’s best for you as an individual

Any claims about making money, or any plans to do so

Technical how-to walkthroughs – my assumption is that you are either already technically knowledgeable or will hire a web programmer

Free on 22nd - 23rd Oct 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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