
Free on 18th Jul 17
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Have you ever been in a situation when you were about to invest, you were ready to buy, and you have already thought about the profits you would make…..

……Then you heard in the news some experts said “This is the good time to buy. The stock price is undervalued.”

Switching the TV channel to another financial news, you saw another experts pointing at his stock chart and said “Based on the technical analysis, this stock can go further down in the next couple of day.

Now you were stuck. You now have gotten ”paralyzed by analysis.”

Ever gotten confused when investing or trading?

Some investment books stated ”Buy the stocks of undervalued companies. Make sure the companies are profitable though.”

While some other investment or trading advisers would state ”Don’t worry about the company. Just look at the technical indicators. They tell you everything you need to know.”

We have learned from the 1st book in the Series that investing and trading are two different things.

How to invest and how to trade correctly then? Is basic investing with fundamental analysis more profitable than with technical analysis, or is it the other way around?

The truth is both can be useful if combined correctly. And even better, the combo of both technical and fundamental analysis can actually reduce the risks we all incur.

In this book you will learn about:

1) Everything you need to know about fundamental analysis, including the metrics and caveats

2) Everything you need to know about technical analysis, including the metrics and caveats

3) How to use the knowledge from the two points above when you invest

4) How to set up stock charts and to use some trading indicators to enable you to time your trade

You might be able to find the information on your own, either by opening a trial account to invest, or by reading trading or investing books.

Nevertheless, the learning curve to be a consistently profitable trader is extremely steep. On average, traders lost $50,000 and spent 5 years before they can be profitable.

Thus, if we can learn how to invest from someone who has made the mistakes, why not?

We do not promise that this book will make you answer all the questions on how to make money online with stock trading or investing. However, we guarantee that you will learn in a concise, yet to-the-point, way how to trade stocks using fundamental and technical analysis.

Whether you are investing for beginners or investing for retirement, this book will undoubtedly add values to your basic investing knowledge.

”An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

          Benjamin Frankin

Let’s scroll up, click the button, and start changing your financial life today. For Prime Members, borrow this investment book for free, for as long as you want.

Free on 18th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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