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Free on 22nd - 26th Jul 16
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ISIS: Origin of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria- Third Edition

*** BEST SELLER 2015 ***

Recent years have seen the rise of many terrorist groups around the globe, but none has provoked such fascination as ISIS. The incredible brutality of this group has baffled the entire world.

Because of the failure to analyze the intelligence behind acts of violence, and terrorist groups like ISIS are often dismissed as a personal feud or as the act of violence by an unstable individual and there ends the interrogation into the roots of their actions. For this reason, we have seen a high success rate and a wide reach of many active terrorist groups. Al-Qaeda and ISIS began with this kind of perception, but no one ever realizes the actual notoriety of the terrorist groups in other countries until the impact hits home. That is the case of the United States of America. It was not essential to know what ISIS was, until the beginning of this year, when active involvement of the U.S troops in the fight against the ISIS began in June, 2014. It has made it important for every American to know whom they are fighting against and for what cause and American’s are searching for answers to what appears to be a violent threat.

Is ISIS just another terrorist group that grabs the attention of the social media for a short while and disappears into nothingness? Or is it an organization that has its roots in violence and branches all over the world? What is their motto? What are their strategies? Who heads them? How should we respond to what we are hearing? All of these questions are about to meet answers in ‘ISIS’

ISIS: Terrorism and the Rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, Highlights:

The origins of ISIS and the precursor groups from which it sprang.
The violent history of Al-Queda in Iraq, including organizational changes and the Mujahedeen Council
How the Islamic State of Iraq morphed into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
The ultimate goal of ISIS? Sharia law for everyone.
An explanation the ideology, principles and the various violent tactics of the ISIS
American reaction to the ISIS and how Muslims generally view this organization
A look at the various beheading incidents beginning in July 25,2014
The horrors faced by women living under ISIS rule
The reaction of Muslims, particularly Muslim scholars and clerics, to the abusive behaviors of ISIS.

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Free on 22nd - 26th Jul 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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