This is a collection of about 58 color pictures created by a natural mathematical method which is partly like the Mandelbrot set method.
Previously this file did not load properly because it had so many high resolution pictures it was slow to load, but I converted the pictures to 756 pixel width, and I hope that now it can download.
Natural mathematics-made fractals. The discovery that you can invent your own formula to go within iterations.
Part of the method is the same as Mandelbrot Set iterations. (Which make fractal images that can be magnified more and more.)
Part of the method is different from Mandelbrot, and there is room for infinite discovery of new formula.
Iterations follow a formula which you invent as you like, of several steps with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The color pictures are created following the principle that you test a number to see if it ever reaches a high value.
Some numbers don’t ever reach a high value, and others do.
To create a color picture, the number of iterations used to make a single pixel is counted and it decides the colour of the pixel. I used a maximum of up to 255 iterations per pixel. When a number never reaches a high value the pixel becomes black.
The reason why this makes color fractals is still a mystery to me.
To start each pixel, X and Y coordinates of the pixel have to be first divided by a large constant, then a formula (which can be changed,) goes through many iterations.
There is a discovery that the formula chan be changed within iterations, and more and more different formula can be invented.
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