
Free on 21st - 23rd Mar 24
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A clean and sweet pioneer historical Christian western romance story that will melt your heart. Follow Jane across the treacherous Dakotas’ plains in search of her true self.

Since her father’s death, it’s been Jane Ramsey’s job to provide for her mother and care for her spoiled, high-spirited sister, Rose. Possessed of a strong nature herself, she rises to the task, writing and selling adventure stories and taking a firm hand with her younger sister. She is certain she has everything in order until Rose receives a letter that proves Jane is no longer quite in control. What has Rose done now?

Forced to examine her own heart, Jane accompanies Rose to Yankton, South Dakota, to meet the man Rose has been corresponding with. Once there, Jane discovers that Daniel Hurst leads a double life. If he’s as pious as he pretends to be, then why does he guard his secrets so carefully?

Jane will go any distance to reveal the truth, even far across the plains to a remote mission, where she is certain Rose will see that she is making a mistake. But Rose finds love in the wilderness, and Jane is given a chance at a happy future. But can she have love…and the freedom to follow her heart?

To start reading now this clean and wholesome historical western story, scroll back up and click the Buy on the top right side of this page or download FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

Free on 21st - 23rd Mar 24
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