F?w r???gniz? “ISIS” as a d??dl? t?rr?ri?t group in thi? present era. We ju?t ??? their d???i??bl? b?h??ding?, destruction of ?n?i?nt ruins in Palmyra, ?nd ?ll th? ?th?r gr?t???u? f?rm? ?f brut?lit? ?nd vi?l?nt ?xtr?mi?m.
Th? ISIS C?li?h?t? i? ?n ?xtr?m? terrorist gr?u? which h?? ?v?rnight ??n?u?r?d a large territory in S?ri? and Ir??, ?nd ??ntinu?? to r??ruit new m?mb?r? from around th? world.
Th?r? ?r? m?n? ??r??n?lit? tr?it? that facilitate the b?nding b?tw??n young recruits ?nd thi? r?ligi?u? cause – ????i?n, ruthlessness, int?n??l? id??li?ti?, willingn??? t? ???rifi?? ?ll traditional m?r?l values, ?nd r?l?ntl??? pursuit of th? great battles th?t w?uld ????m??n? th? “End of D???”, th? Islamic ??uiv?l?nt ?f Arm?g?dd?n.
It r?mind? ?n? ?f a ?i?k, crazed gorilla – shrewd, r?l?ntl??? ?nd ?tr?ng, and ?l?? ?tr??i?u?l? ruthless…
T? r??d more ?b?ut thi? ?xtr?m? t?rr?ri?t gr?u?, DOWNLOAD A COPY TODAY!
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