Looking for a job does not have to be frustrating. All you need are the right job hunting techniques. Job Search: Fundamentals of Effective Job Hunting, Resumes, and Interviews will help you develop those skills.
In Job Search, you will be given step-by-step instructions on writing a resume that stands out and building a search-optimized profile that shows up on the top of potential employers’ lists. You’ll learn how to interview more effectively and get the job. You’ll get search tips on navigating top job boards and social media sites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Indeed, and CareerBuilder. As a bonus, a directory is included: a list of over 500 websites that you can use to find your next job.
Job Search has 18 years of firsthand experience behind it. As a recruiter interacting with many Fortune 500 hiring managers, I’ve learned what employers are looking for. This book shares those insider insights with you.
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