Divine Magic or Madness? Heroine or Fool?
A breathtakingly beautiful, at times disquieting, and occasionally terrifying journey to the outer reaches of reality.
Beginning with a playful Ouija session, an eighteen year old Christy realises that reality might not be as straightforward as her rational western upbringing has led her to assume. As she opens to a cascade of subtle energies these forces increasingly influence her perception until she finds herself in a wild, enthralling space governed by magic and synchronicity.
As her consciousness expands and revelations abound, the socially constructed version of herself crumbles away. Immersed in the surreal mystical world of the blue, Christy believes she is on the verge of uncovering the holy grail of existence. But when her dreamy path unexpectedly transforms into a living nightmare, she learns the true implications of flying so high.
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
Whoopi: The Life And Legacy Of Whoopi Goldberg
My Air Force Days: Memoirs of a Wing Commander
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