
Free on 8th - 9th Oct 13
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Pages: 53

Extreme sports, such as high altitude climbing, jungle adventure, deep sea diving, and skydiving in- clude a high level of physical risk. In such sports, the consequences of error can be fatal. Like or not Jungle and mountain adventure are risky outdoor activity. For many mountaineers, part of its very attraction is the risk, the thrill of danger. You cannot control what is going to happen. You cannot control the weather and you cannot control society, but you can control how prepared you and your family are to handle dire situations like natural disasters, flu pandemics, civil unrest, and just about any other serious situation. For some adventurer the fun begin when they are facing the risk, and it’s “mean adrenalin time”. it’s maybe sound “weird” but you will find the answer when you riding rollercoaster, same purpose with different media and activity.

If you ever find yourself in a wilderness survival situation you must think carefully and prioritize your actions. Outdoor survival can mean different things to different people. Essentially, it is staying alive under adverse conditions. But whether you are a combat soldier, or a survival enthusiast wanting to live wild for a week, preparation is essential. 3 elements that essentials for outdoor survival :
• Preparation / detail planning
• Know ledge and experience
• Adequate equipment

This book is talked about second elements Knowledge and experience. Teruo Nakamura Japanese troop found at 1974 or almost 30 years after the war was over. The last soldier, the absolute last soldier, of World War II. A man who never surrendered and live in the jungle. Nakamura’s hut was discovered accidentally by a pilot in mid-1974. He lives alone in the jungle, and he survive. Is he survive because he is a troop ? or because he is strong ? NO ! He survive because he know how to survive and live in the jungle.

Ideally, Jungle and mountain survive knowledge is known by everybody even not adventure. Sometimes accident put people in critical situation on the jungle. In 1971 Juliane Koepcke and other 14 people survive from airplane crash at amazon jungle, But only Juliane Koepcke survive for days at amazon jungle and found alive. She is not the strongest one, but she knows exactly how to live in the jungle, and she know how to survive in the jungle.

Free on 8th - 9th Oct 13
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